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*Led Tid: 9-12 dagar.

This package includes 6 DVD's and 1 Audio CD. 
Get ready to burn fat and get lean with ChaLEAN Extreme, the new extreme workout system that transformed everyone in the test group with 3 simple words: MUSCLE BURNS FA! 
PHASE 1: BURN You start lifting weights to jump-start your metabolism and break down those "extra" reserves of fat. In these moderate training workouts, you'll work your upper body then lower body, and learn how "Lean Phasing" will help you see major results every 30 days! 
PHASE 2: PUSH Chalene shows you how to lift heavybeyond your comfort zoneso you build the muscle you need to burn fat. Chalene makes it easier than it sounds with incredibly fast results. 
PHASE 3: LEAN Here is where you really bring it home with new routines and dynamic moves that literally melt the fat off your body. You will be blown away with jaw-dropping results and rewarded with a brand-new body! EXTREME CARDIO - During each phase, Chalene ignites your metabolism with super-intense cardio- and strength-training routines, and then rejuvenates and lengthens your hard-working muscles with an invigorating flexibility workout. 
CORE POWER - Shrink, tighten, and tone your tummy with two targeted ab routines for a rock-hard midsection! MUSCLE BURNS FAT GUIDEBOOK with workout calendars to show you which workout to do each day and how much weight to lift. 
THIGH TONER BAND adds some extra "oomph" to your lower-body resistance training. 
FAT-BURNING FOOD GUIDE shows you what to eat in each phase to maximize fat burning. 
Chalene's personal EXTREME MOTIVATION AUDIO CD to pump you up! In the "HEALTHY EATS" and KITCHEN MAKEOVER DVD, Chalene shares her personal recipes and nutrition tips to help keep you and your family eating healthily.